Michael Richard Hendrix is born in a small town in West Tennessee, Christmas Eve in 1954. He spends his first few years in Tennessee, then moves with his family to Chicago, Illinois, where in around 1964, he finds himself sitting on the floor of a Chicago apartment watching the Ed Sullivan Show and what would become his first major musical influence: The Beatles. Then, along about the 6th grade, he finds himself back in Tennessee where he grew up paying close attention to all things guitar and writing songs. He continued to develop his writing and playing skills being significantly influenced by James Taylor, Dan Fogelberg, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Billy Gibbons, Jimmy Page, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and many others. It was somewhere around his 14th birthday when he joined his first band (The Rubber Band), playing weekends at the local community center. Rock and Roll tunes filled the song list. Then it was on to other bands, including transitions to southern rock, country rock, pop/dance music, folk music, country music, blues, funk, and jazz fusion. Michael went on to work with the southern rock band Tennessee River Crooks, releasing an album in the mid 70's by the same name. He also found himself being routed into recording sessions with Amy Grant and Vince Gill on a special Christmas Album for the overseas military as well as singing and recording with Christ Church Choir, for Christ Church projects and a special compilation album of America's Top 10 Choirs. Michael spent three years (2000-2003) performing with the choir which led him to performances with Michael McDonald and Dolly Parton on her televised CMA Award Show performance of "Hello God."
These days, he enjoys writing and recording Christian music and working on projects with friends he has made along the way over the years. He currently resides with his wife, Karen in the beautiful rolling hills of Tennessee along the Cumberland River just outside Nashville.
Michael's first solo album, "You Are," reflects the many influences and styles he has come to love, including folk, rock, country and bluegrass. His comments about the project: "My greatest hope is my songs will bless God's children and point others to the Cross of Christ."
"Behold, He comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:7-8
I find inspiration, guidance, instruction, encouragement, correction, strength, understanding, comfort, wisdom, peace and life in the Word of God. The songs on my new album, "You Are," are a reflection of my understanding of scripture as I have read over the years. The more I have read the holy scriptures, the more I have been compelled to write scriptural songs. The more I read, the more I love to read. I would encourage anyone who feels inclined to read scripture to not put it off. There is life in the Word. There is hope in the Word. And there is peace in the Word, which the world is rapidly losing in this troubled time. May the grace of God be with you and give you peace. He will never leave you or forsake you as you put your faith and trust in Him.
Morning Dove International Publishing
Nashville, TN / USA
All Rights Reserved
Photography: Kristi Hicks Halsey at www.Kristihalseyphotography.com
Still photos from"You Are" video: Kedric D. Vance / KDV / Street MOB Ministries